
Criminal Fitness Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting and Business Mixer

Join us for a ribbon cutting and business mixer in celebration of one of our newest chamber members, Criminal Fitness!

We are excited to invite you to their ribbon cutting located at 1210 Donnelly Avenue, Burlingame on Friday March 28th.

At our Business Mixer, you’ll have the chance to network with like-minded individuals and establish valuable connections within the industry. Enjoy light bites and refreshments and engage in conversations about the latest trends and upcoming events!

Don’t miss out on this exciting event! Join us at Criminal Fitness on March 28th and let’s celebrate together. We look forward to welcoming you!


Date and time: Friday, March 28 · 5:30 – 7:30pm PDT

Location: 1210 Donnelly Avenue, Burlngame, CA 94010

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