Direct Benefits of Membership
Membership = Positive Impact to A Business
According to a commissioned study by the American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE), the real value of chamber membership to businesses as it applies to what customers perceive about that business includes:
- If you are perceived as highly involved through participation on committees, sponsorship, board service, etc., 12% are more likely to think your products/services stack up better against your competition.
- These perceptions are based on the inference that businesses, which are highly visible and active in their local Chamber, are more trustworthy, more involved in the community, care about customers, are successful, and are community leaders.
When the public knows a business is active in their local Chamber, that business enjoys:
- 44% increase in its favorable rating
- 51% increase in consumer awareness
- 57% increase in its local reputation
- 63% increase in its ability to attract future business
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